Byte Friendly

Random thoughts on programming and related topics.

Windows Live Writer + Wordpress Problems

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I installed this copy of Wordpress this evening and decided to add to Live Writer. But I’ve ran into problem almost immediately. While trying to auto-detect my editing style, blog name and who knows what else, Live Writer kept annoying me with this message: ”Invalid Server Response - The response to the blogger.getUsersBlogs method received from the weblog server was invalid”.

I hit Ctrl-Ctrl (very handy shortcut of Google Desktop, that summons search bar) and pasted the error text there. First, I came across this article. I followed every step in it (some of them twice :-) ), but it didn’t help. So I kept searching.

Then I found this interesting site. Performing this step didn’t help me either. I have installed Fiddler and it finally shed some light on the problem. There was an error while requesting xmlrpc.php (which is used by external systems, such as WLW, to talk to Wordpress).

Warning: include_once(/home/tulentse/public_html/blog_technical/wp-includes/class-IXR.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/tulentse/public_html/blog_technical/xmlrpc.php on line 55
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/tulentse/public_html/blog_technical/wp-includes/class-IXR.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/tulentse/public_html/blog_technical/xmlrpc.php on line 55
Fatal error: Class ‘IXR_Server’ not found in /home/tulentse/public_html/blog_technical/xmlrpc.php on line 108

I navigated to that file and saw that the name is in lower case (and case matters on Unix-based systems). It was joint effort of me, who checked “Convert filenames to lower case” option and Total Commander who did what I told him.

Now everyone’s happy :-)