Recently I discovered Octopress and instead of writing another
article on how to migrate to it from Wordpress, I decided to do something else. And,
fortunately enough, the topic presented itself. :)
So, Octopress is not your conventional blog engine. You create new posts by running
a command in the terminal. I’m quite comfortable with creating new posts with a rake task.
What I didn’t like is that I needed to run another command to actually open the post in my
editor. Here’s my fix to that. It patches the new_post command, by adding new optional
parameter to it, :open_in_editor. If you pass true (or other truthy value),
then the post will be opened in
my default $EDITOR (which is TextMate at this moment).
Now the creation of new post can look like this:
rake new_post['How to automatically open new post in editor?',:open]
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefileindex 58e1925..df8ff7e 100644--- a/Rakefile+++ b/Rakefile@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ end # usage rake new_post[my-new-post] or rake new_post['my new post'] or rake new_post (defaults to "new-post")
desc "Begin a new post in #{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}"
-task :new_post, :title do |t, args|+task :new_post, :title, :open_in_editor do |t, args| raise "### You haven't set anything up yet. First run `rake install` to set up an Octopress theme." unless
mkdir_p "#{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}"
- args.with_defaults(:title => 'new-post')+ args.with_defaults(:title => 'new-post', :open_in_editor => false) title = args.title
filename = "#{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}/#{'%Y-%m-%d')}-#{title.to_url}.#{new_post_ext}"
if File.exist?(filename)
@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ task :new_post, :title do |t, args| post.puts "categories: "
post.puts "---"
+ if args[:open_in_editor]+ `$EDITOR #{filename}`+ end end
# usage rake new_page[my-new-page] or rake new_page[my-new-page.html] or rake new_page (defaults to "new-page.markdown")